Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's a Bird, It's a Plane

What if…

…we could fly?

I’m sitting on the tarmac at Dulles aboard UA flight 948 bound for Amsterdam, and I think to myself, “What if I could fly?” How would that change things? How would my life be different?
Ahhh to be like Superman, faster than a speeding bullet, but minus the cape and kryptonite allergy…

Lights dim; fog appears across the stage…

Remember in Peter Pan, when Peter and Tinkerbell sprinkle pixie dust on Wendy, John, and Michael? (P.S. clearly the brothers were named after my Dad and Brother!) With a little magic and thinking a happy thought, they started gliding across the children’s nursery. Then out through the window, a wave farewell to Nana, and past the bell tower, to Neverland they flew! It’s hard to believe that Peter came back with Wendy and the boys to sprinkle this pixie dust all over the world. Every morning I just want to scream the song “You Can Fly, You Can Fly, You Can Fly” at the top of my lungs.

Though, I must admit, it’s crazy to think how much the world has change this past year since Peter’s return…

Traffic on 395, 66, and the beltway is now slim to none. I actually did take my car this morning since I was carrying luggage --- and it only took 5 minutes, AMAZING! And when I filled up my car the other week, it was only 87 cents a gallon. I haven’t seen prices that low since high school. At least that was the price at Super Junior where I always stopped for gas.

Domestic flights have dropped rapidly. Air Lines are barely scraping by these days. If it weren't for International flights (long distances, luggage needed), I'm sure they'd be extinct - or at least only 1 or 2 remaining.

And have you seen how cheap cars are lately? They're basically giving them to you for free these days. The only time people are really using cars is in bad weather, transporting heavy loads, or traveling long distances. So some companies are getting smart and starting R&D for flying carpets. How cool would that be to have a flying carpet just like Aladdin? I hear they're even developing one with a detatchable roof and sides for winter months and rain. The green movement is loving this!

Oh, and have you heard that they just passed a new law that if have to fly hands free on your cell. I'm sure the cell phone companies aren't appreciative of that. The number one reason of buying a new phone was dropping the old one from the sky, but hopefully that will keep the CAFT (Citizens Against Flying and Talking) at bay and keep the number of injuries to drop drastically.

Whew! Finally made it to Amsterdam. I'm not used to sitting on a plane for this long. I like flying myself so much better! But flying with a suitcase and for such a long time would be difficult. Maybe when flying carpets come about, I'll be able to take it across the Atlantic!

My favorite thing to do whenever I visit a new city it to take a fly around and just see what I see. Here are some pictures I took while flying above!

View flying over the Canal

Amsterdam has more bikes than people.
P.S. I learned today that there are about 600,000 stolen bikes in Amsterdam a year!

Dutch Palace. Too bad I didn't meet a prince...

My what big feet you have! (I actually took this one in a store)

Did I mention that I am Amsterdam?

Thanks, Peter, for making this impossible dream come true!!


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